Connecting An iPhone To Your Tesla

Your Tesla vehicle is a technological marvel. Especially when it comes to things like software features and functions.

And, having the ability to enter and control your Tesla via your iPhone is a huge benefit.

So, how exactly do you connect your iPhone to your Tesla?

How To Connect An iPhone To Your Tesla

In order to connect your iPhone to your Tesla, you are going to need one of your Tesla key cards and your iPhone.

First, enter your vehicle and make yourself comfortable. Then follow the steps below:

Note: There are images of these steps below this list.

  1. Download and install the Tesla App (if you have not already)
  2. Login to your Tesla account on the Tesla App (using your login from the website)
  3. Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone
  4. Tap on the Car Icon on your Tesla screen in the car
  5. Tap on the Lock Icon
  6. Then tap the Plus Icon on the top to add a new key
  7. Now tap Phone Key on the Tesla App on your iPhone
  8. Press Start to begin the pairing process
  9. The App will ask you to place your keycard on the console (see image)
  10. Once the process is complete you will get a Success message on your iPhone

You can now use your iPhone to enter your Tesla and also to control various functions on the car.

Adding a Key To A Tesla
Under Car, Add new iPhone Key in Locks
Adding a phone key via Tesla App
Step 7. Add a Phone Key on the Tesla App
Step 1 - Set up phone key
Step 8. Start pairing of iPhone as a Tesla key
Step 2 - set up phone key
Step 9. Place keycard on console
successful setup of phone key
Step 10. Success Message after pairing

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